All shares will expire on the time shown in the calendar app when you set Expiration date. Our System will send 3 reminders through the account email registered with AXEL Go.

The first reminder is sent 7 days before the file expiry date

The second reminder is sent 3 days before the file expiry date

Final reminder 24 hours or a day before the file expiry date.

You can only extend the file expiry date before the file is expired by clicking on the … associated next the file in My Shares and choose Edit from the context menu

You need to pay a fee calculated according to item size and sharing duration (expiration date), does not matter if item is uploaded from device or imported from user’s storage, it will be stored on cloud nodes according to selected expiration duration so it needs to be paid, price for storage for now is

0.30 axel token / GB / month for pinning without encryption

0.31 / GB / month for pinning with encryption

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